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Meet our Staff

We have a fantastic team of staff, who are all committed to giving the children at St Peter’s School the best possible learning experiences and who are passionate about meeting every child’s individual needs.

If you have any concerns, please speak to your child's teacher, the Phase Leader or the School Secretary, who will be able to advise you of the best course of action.

We can be contacted at or Tel: 01534 481536

Senior Leadership Team

Ms Rashid

Mr Devlin
Deputy Headteacher
Mrs Sewrey
School Business Manager
Mrs Brown
KS1 Lead
Mrs Blake
KS2 Lead
Miss Wolstenholme SENCo
Mrs McKay




Mrs Sarah Mason
PE Lead/Netball Coach/Teacher


Mrs Sue McDermott
Music, RE & PSHE Lead/Teacher


Mrs Rhiannon Hayton-Hughes


Miss Lucy de la Cour 
Oracy Lead/Teacher









Support Staff

Mrs June Powell
Teaching Assistant
Lunchtime Supervisor
Breakfast Club Supervisor


Mrs Amanda Allison
Key Worker/Teaching Assistant
Lead First-Aider


Mrs Caroline Lee
Teaching Assistant 
Lunchtime Supervisor


Ms Tricia Oakley
Teaching Assistant
Netball Coach
Lunchtime Supervisor


Ms Alexis MacFarlane
Nursery Officer
Breakfast Club Supervisor
Mrs Cindy Turmel
Teaching Assistant
Lunchtime Supervisor


Mrs Lucy Vautier
Teaching Assistant
Lunchtime Supervisor


Miss Alison Baudains
Teaching Assistant 
Lunchtime Supervisor


Mr David Le Cornec

Mrs Jacqueline Harrison
School Secretary/Administrator